Enigmail is a seamlessly integrated security add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird and Postbox. It allows you to use OpenPGP to encrypt and digitally sign your emails and to decrypt and verify messages you receive. Enigmail is free software. It can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License.

2019-6-6 · Thunderbird + Enigmail 插件是一个很好的替代方案。 Thunderbird 是我在 Ubuntu 上用得比较顺手的邮件客户端,Enigmail 是其上的一个 OpenGPG 邮件加解密插件。 但是,安装了 Thunderbird 之后,在要安装 Enigmail 插件前,还需安装另一个软件 Pinentry,否则会发现 Enigmail 插件装不上——装了之后界面不显示出来,一 Enigmail - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 2019-1-7 · Enigmail是一个Mozilla Thunderbird 和SeaMonkey 网络套件的数据加密和解密扩展,提供了OpenPGP的电子邮件公钥加密和签名功能。Enigmail可以在Microsoft Windows、类Unix和Mac OS X 操作 … GnuPG 与邮件加密 - GitHub Pages 2010-3-29 · 本文主要根据 1 一文翻译并根据情况有所增删,目的是让朋友们能够对公私钥加密有一个初步的了解,并且希望通过阅读此文能够给我发送经过 GnuPG 加密后的邮件。 同时,如果朋友们对 软件笔记 首页及 网络相关软件列表 中的部分内容感到迷惑的话,希望通过阅读此文能够有所解惑。 Using GPG with Thunderbird - Fedora Project Wiki

数字签名和加密消息 | Thunderbird 帮助

Enigmail: In Thunderbird, go to Tools->Add-ons. In the "Search all add-ons" box at upper right, search for Enigmail. If you don't see it, make sure the "Search" filter is set to "Available Add-ons", not "My Add-Ons". Install Enigmail. After restarting Thunderbird, you'll be prompted to configure Enigmail. See the next section. Enigmail is a plug-in for Mozilla Thunderbird which adds support for encrypting and decrypting emails to make the process easier. The traditional Enigmail Add-on will not be available for Thunderbird 78. As a replacement, Thunderbird 78 will include built-in support for OpenPGP. The Thunderbird team needs more time to

I use Thunderbird. I installed PGP (GnuPG) and Enigmail onto my computer so I could encrypt messages sent using Thunderbird. Once I did, I realized that the messages can only be sent in simple text and incoming messages are all simple text, I decided it was not worth it and wanted to undo what I did.

2018-7-24 · Thunderbird with Enigmail rather than standalone implementations of, for instance, Thunderbird without the relevant plugin. Prior to the beginning of the actual tests, the Cure53 testers liaised with the respective development teams for Thunderbird and Enigmail. Briefings were held to exchange information about the tested projects. 数字签名和加密消息 | Thunderbird 帮助 Enigmail:一个 Thunderbird 附加组件 这两个应用也提供消息数字签名的功能。 安装 GPG 和 Enigmail 要安装 GnuPG,请从 GnuPG 二进制页 下载合适的安装包。参照你的下载包的安装指南执行安装。更多关于在不同操作系统上安装 PGP 的信息,请参阅 PGP加密和电子签名教程 - 知乎 2017-9-4 · PGP加密和电子签名教程 关键字:PGP Gpg4win Windows 非对称加密 电子签名 邮件加密摘要:本文介绍了:如何使用免费开源的Gpg4win软件、在windows的环境下,使用PGP非对称加密的手段,实现对电子邮件的电子签名和…