The list of public wi-fi spots is growing all the time, and in a few years wireless access will no doubt be taken for granted. Rather than consulting extensive lists on the web, it’s probably

Free Wi-Fi is a windfall, especially if you’re working from the library or airport, or if you just want to save data on your phone or laptop. Still, you do have to care about security when you 14 Tips for Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Security | PCMag 14 Tips for Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Security. Public Wi-Fi hotspots can be a hacker's paradise. Following these basic security tips can mean the difference between safe surfing and an ID theft or How to keep your data secure on public WiFi networks? Mar 06, 2019

Secure Public WiFi Network - Scientel Solutions

Sep 18, 2017

Sprint Secure Wi-Fi automatically encrypts your data when you connect to an unsecure Wi-Fi network. As soon as an unsecure Wi-Fi network is detected, Secure Wi-Fi enables a VPN connection to make sure no one can steal your passwords, hijack your login, or monitor your activity. Once the phone disconnects from the unsecure Wi-Fi network, the VPN connection automatically turns off.

Public WiFi Security In a recent survey, 70% of tablet owners and 53% of smartphone / mobile phone owners stated that they use public Wi-Fi hotspots. However, because data sent through public Wi-Fi can easily be intercepted, many mobile device and laptop users are risking the security of their personal information, digital identity and money.