Jul 05, 2017 · You can also have icons appear on your Mac menu bar when they update, but keep them hidden most of the time. How to Customize Built-In Menu Bar Icons. Lastly, while we’re on the subject, many of the system icons that come with your Mac can also be configured to look different.

Jul 15, 2014 How to hide Mac menu bar icons on your Mac Jul 27, 2017 Adding and Removing Dock Icons in Mac OS X - dummies

The Complete Guide to Using Custom Icons in OS X

How to Hide All Menu Bar App Icons on macOS Mar 08, 2019 Menu Bar Extras - Extensions - macOS - Human Interface

HOW TO: Add Icons to Your OS X Menu Bar [tutorial]

Jan 19, 2018 Connection to Mac only shows top menu - TeamViewer Oct 14, 2019 Add Spotify controls to your Mac's Menu Bar with SpotMenu